Sunday, November 22, 2009


what i think on the chimp attack in connecticut-

first off the owner had this chimp illegaly and the city did nothing about it, this is just crazy. i own 7 chimps my self have worked with around 15 different chimps, to own a chimp you must have a USDA licsense. USDA comes out inspects you cage make sure they are properly being taking care of, this lady did not have a USDA she had a male chimp that was over ten years old in a improper cage in her house! we usually quit handleing male chimps around 8 years old this is because they mature and get high levels of testosterone and can go in a rage. a male chimp in around 5 times stronger than a human, this means if they want to attack you your screwed, many chimp trainers are missing fingers,ears,or just have some real bad bites myself included. a chimp can bite a finger off at 4years old average wieght is around 50 pounds for a 4 year old, travis the chimp in connecticut wieghed 200 pounds. And the thing that makes me so mad about this chimp attack is that the owner brought in a innocent bystander her friend/employee who didnt like the chimp or really even know it. im not saying individuals should not own a chimp, but they have to know this is a wild animal no matter how much you want it to be human and you have to have the right knowledge of care and make sure you have proper cageing. all you see on the news is the bad side of exotic animal which is when sombody does something stupid and gets them self killed or even worse somebody else killed. it just takes one person the ruin it for everyone, when someone gets in trouble for drunk driving the dont punish all the drivers if get want im saying, so if your thinking about getting a exotic animal of anykind always know everything you can about that animal and the laws regarding owning one.

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